The Power of Repetition and Calendars: 5 Compelling Reasons to Schedule for Success

In this episode, we’ll explore how repetition and calendar scheduling can be harnessed to achieve success, both personally and professionally. We’ll delve into the top five reasons why incorporating repetition and calendars into your routine can be a game-changer for productivity, goal attainment, and time management. Join us as we discover how to use these powerful tools to achieve greater success and fulfillment in your life and work.

  1. Provides better time management
  2. Enables sharing and collaboration
  3. Reduces the risk of missed deadlines and appointments
  4. Increases efficiency and organization
  5. Offers convenient access from anywhere, at any time.

  1. What are digital calendars, and why are they important?
  2. How can digital calendars help me stay organized and on top of my schedule?
  3. What are the benefits of using a digital calendar over a paper one?
  4. How do I choose the right digital calendar for my needs?
  5. How can I make the most of my digital calendar to improve my productivity and efficiency?

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Steve Jobs

  1. The importance of repetition in achieving success
  2. The role of calendars in maintaining consistency
  3. The benefits of using automated reminders and recurring tasks
  4. Tips for staying motivated during repetitive tasks
  5. The impact of consistent effort over time on long-term success

  1. The power of repetition: Why repeating the right tasks can lead to success
    • Consistently doing the right tasks can lead to better performance and success in both personal and professional life.
  2. The impact of consistency: How setting regular schedules can help you stay on track
    • Creating and following a regular schedule can increase productivity and improve your ability to achieve long-term goals.
  3. The importance of goal setting: How defining your goals can help you focus on what matters
    • Setting specific and measurable goals can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your desired outcomes.
  4. The benefits of automation: How technology can help you automate repetitive tasks
    • Utilizing technology and automation tools can free up time and resources, allowing you to focus on higher-value tasks.
  5. The role of reflection: Why reflecting on your progress is essential to achieving long-term success
    • Taking time to reflect on your progress can help you identify areas of improvement and refine your approach to achieve your goals.


  • The first electronic calendar was created in 1983 by a programmer named Bob Welland. It was called “VISICALC” and was designed to run on Apple II computers.
  • In 1993, the first web-based calendar was created by a company called Applecore. It was called “WebCal” and allowed users to access and update their calendars from any device with internet access.
  • Google Calendar was launched in 2006 and quickly became one of the most popular digital calendars due to its user-friendly interface and integration with other Google services.

Common questions:

  • How do I set up recurring events on my digital calendar?
  • Can I share my digital calendar with others?
  • How do I sync my digital calendar with my smartphone or other devices?

Fun facts:

  • The word “calendar” comes from the Latin word “calendae,” which means the first day of the month.
  • The ancient Egyptians were the first civilization to use a calendar, which was based on the cycles of the Nile River.
  • The oldest known calendar is the Sumerian calendar, which dates back to around 2000 BCE. It was based on the phases of the moon and consisted of 12 lunar months.

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